How to Join SICE

SICE wants new members. If there is someone who wants to be a member of SICE, please encourage one to join.

Procedure for admission

  1. Get a letter of application
  2. Fill the application form
  3. Send the application
  4. Pay membership fee

After the Board of Directors permits, you become a member of SICE..

1. Get a letter of application

You can get a letter of application by following methods.
via ftp site
There is an application form in Word97/PS/PDF format (member_ape.xxx) at SICE ftp site.
from journals
Cut off or make a copy of the page of application on our journals.
request the Administration Office of SICE
Request the administration office of SICE via telephone, fax or mail. When request, please inform us of your name, address, and telephone(fax) number.
1-35-28-303 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
SICE(Keisoku Jidou-Seigyo Gakkai) administration office
tel +81-3-3814-4121
fax +81-3-3814-4699

2. Fill the application form

We refer this application to input your data into the computers so please fill the each bold-bordered blanks with black pens or ballpoints in block letter after reading the documentation which comes with the letter of application paper.

3. Send the application

Please send the application to the administration office of SICE via fax or postal mail.

1-35-28-303 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
SICE(Keisoku Jidou-Seigyo Gakkai) administration office
tel +81-3-3814-4121
fax +81-3-3814-4699

4. Pay membership fee

Please pay one-year membership fee (11,000yen for Regular Member, 5,500yen for Student Member, 80,000yen/share for Supporting Member) when you send the application. Besides, 6,300yen is needed to subscribe to Journals if you want. If it is in the middle of year, we liquidate in next year's bill. Paying method is as follows.
Automatic deduction service
When you use this service, fee is automatically paid from your account of a bank or post-office savings. To use this service, it is needed to register for automatic deduction by a printed form. Please request member section for the form.
Bank transfer
Hongo branch, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
ordinary deposit #108600
"(Sha) Keisoku Jidou Seigyo Gakkai"(in Japanese)
Registered letter for sending money
1-35-28-303 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
SICE(Keisoku Jidou-Seigyo Gakkai) administration office
Pay directly
1-35-28-303 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
SICE(Keisoku Jidou-Seigyo Gakkai) administration office
tel +81-3-3814-4121
fax +81-3-3814-4699
via subway:
Hongo-sanchome Station, Marunouchi Line.
Kasuga Station, Oedo Line.
Kasuga Station, Mita Line.
Copyright © 2005 The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers.