SICE Annual Conference Award


To recognize excellent presenters who submits high quality papers and present them in English at the SICE Annual Conference.


Winner of each category: JPYen100,000 and Certificate and medal


1. SICE Annual Conference Young Author's Award (Application Form, MS Word format, PDF):

Author must be less than 35 years of age at the time of nomination and have not received any award from SICE except Young Authorfs Awards.

2. SICE Annual Conference International Award (Application Form, MS Word format, PDF)

@@ Note: Application to both categories by one paper is acceptable.


The deadline of the application is May 21, 2003. Applicants are requested to send the Application Form to Secretary of SICE2003, C/O SICE office, by e-mail or Fax.

1-35-28-303 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0033 Japan
TEL: +81 3-3814-4121, FAX: +81 3-3814-4699

Basis of Judgment:

Quality of the paper (originality, impact) and the technical presentation.

The Award Selection Committee will select 5 finalists for Young Authorfs Award and 6 finalists for International Award based on the final manuscripts, and the finalists will be noticed before the conference. One Young Authors Award winner and one or two International Award winners will be selected during the conference based on the presentations as well as the quality of the papers.


The winners are awarded at the closing ceremony, and the prize consists of a certificate and a monetary award. All other finalists receive certificates.

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