July 10, 2003

but the Possibility of its Return Dictates Vigilance.

As known of you, the World Health Organization declared on Saturday, the fifth in July, that SARS, the severe acute respiratory syndrome, has been contained. This news is a source of relief for the SICE Annual Conference 2003 in Fukui, August 4-6, 2003.

However, WHO Director Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland warned countries around the world not to let down guard against SARS virus, saying they must remain vigilant against the disease which has claimed 812 lives, because the method of infection and many other aspects of SARS are remaining a mystery.

Therefore, each participant of SICE 2003 is requested to come to Fukui with the best health conditions at beginnings of August.

Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing you in Fukui.

Tadashi Matsumoto
General Chair
SICE Annual Conference 2003 in Fukui

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