Professor Bitmead 特別講演会

日 時: 平成15年7月22日(火) 15:30〜17:00

会 場: 名古屋大学 新1号館 N133講義室

講演題目及び講師: A Skeptical Introduction to Combustion  Instability Modelimg
              R.R. Bitmead(カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校教授)

       Combustion instabilities inhibit the operation of gas turbines and jet engines at low fuel-to-air ratios. 
               Such operation would be desirable from the perspective of pollution and of maintenance. 
       The instabilities manifest themselves as limit cycling of the physical variables within the combustor. 
       It is desired to use operating data to fit parametric models for the design of feedback control to eliminate
        or reduce the instability. 
       In this presentation, we shall discuss the modeling from a skeptical viewpoint by emphasizing the need for
       proper model validation.
       Particularly, the role of induction, deduction and rigorous experiments is developed.
