平成17年1月4日  会  員  各  位 計測自動制御学会北海道支部    計測自動制御学会北海道支部後援講演会のお知らせ  下記により本支部が後援する講演会が開催されます。多数ご参加くださいま すようご案内申し上げます。 記 講演題目:「Biologically Inspired Active Vision System Based on    Selective Attention」 講師:Prof. Minho Lee, Kyungpook National University 日時:平成17年1月14日(金)13:00〜14:15 場所:北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科棟 A-13教室  (JR札幌駅北口よりタクシーで10分)    〒060-1408 札幌市北区北14条西9丁目    http://www.ist.hokudai.ac.jp/map/ 主催:IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Japan Chapter(CIS-Japan)    および IEEE 札幌支部 参加費:無料(参加資格を問いません) 事前申込の有無:なし 概要: In this talk, I explain a biologically motivated active system based on human-like bottom-up saliency map model together with top-down attention through human interaction. The proposed model uses a trainable selective attention model that can inhibit an unwanted salient area and only focus on an interesting area in a static natural scene. The proposed model was implemented by the bottom-up saliency map model in conjunction with the fuzzy adaptive resonance theory (ART) network. The bottom-up saliency map model generates a salient area based on intensity, edge, color and symmetry feature maps, and human supervisor decides whether the selected salient area is important. If the selected area is not interesting, the ART network trains and memorizes that area, and also generates an inhibit signal so that the bottom-up saliency map model does not have attention to an area with similar characteristic in subsequent visual search process. Also, we applied the proposed selective attention model to various image processing problems such as image compression, image watermarking, vergence control, tracking a pedestrian and detect or localize faces in nature input scene. Moreover, I explain the application of the proposed system for autonomous mental development system. Computer experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms the conventional approaches. 問合せ先:北海道大学大学院情報科学研究科      複雑系工学講座      大森隆司 E-mail: omori@complex.eng.hokudai.ac.jp