計測自動制御学会九州支部学術講演会 特別講演会

共催: 福岡工業大学
協賛: 計装研究会

この行事は,第34回計測自動制御学会九州支部学術講演会(平成27年11月28日(土)〜11月29日(日) )の一部として開催されますが,参加費は無料でどなたでもご参加いただけます.

会  場 福岡工業大学 セミナー室
日  時 平成27年11月28日(土) 14:20-14:50
講  師 Prof. Kang-Bak Park (Korea University, Korea)
題  目 「On the Finite-Time Sliding Hyperplanes of Sliding Mode Control」
概  要  The stability in the sense of Lyapunov has been widely used when the model of the plant was derived in the state space. Among many stability senses, asymptotic stability has been most frequently applied in the design of control systems. However, it doesn’t guarantee that the system state converge to the equilibrium point, but at an infinite time. That is, it could say nothing on the convergence time. In various modern manufacturing industries, however, it is necessary to guarantee the system state gets to the desired point in finite time because of many reasons such as productivity. It was shown that the system state in a linear system could converge to the target point as time goes to infinity. It implies that a nonlinear control system should be designed to guarantee the finite-time convergence. Recently, finite time stability has been actively studied. One of them is a Terminal Sliding Mode Control (TSMC). Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is one of robust control schemes. SMC is designed such that the initial system state converges and forced to be on the sliding surface which is designed a priori. The conventional sliding surfaces have been designed as a linear combination of system states so that the system shows asymptotic stability if the system state is on the sliding surface, that is, when the system is in the sliding mode. In the late 1990’s, a terminal sliding surface was proposed. SMC using the terminal sliding surface, terminal sliding mode control (TSMC), guaranteed the finite time stabilization. However, it has some limitations; it suffered from a singularity problem and it should adopt an exponent with odd numerator and denominator. To avoid the singularity problem, a nonsingular terminal sliding surface has been proposed so that nonlinear terminal sliding mode controllers (NTSMC) have been studied for many nonlinear systems.
日  時 平成27年11月28日(土) 14:50-15:20
講  師 Prof. Min-Choel Lee(Pusan National University, Korea)
題  目 「Sliding Perturbation Observer based Reaction Force Estimation and Bilateral Control for Surgical Robot」
概  要 In robot assisted laparoscopic surgery using a commercialized robot, such as the da Vinci, surgeons have encountered problems, such as organ impairment, because they depend only on visual information. To solve these problems, a haptic system is required. Force feedback and a bilateral control system are essential for realizing a haptic teleoperation system. The use of a force/torque sensor for force feedback is difficult in a surgical robot instrument, but this talk address that the reaction force loaded on a surgical robot instrument can be estimated using a sliding perturbation observer (SPO)-based reaction force estimation method. This talk also suggests a bilateral controller applying SPO based force estimation method to realize the possibility of a haptic function in a laparoscopic surgery robot system. In the suggested bilateral controller, the master control uses impedance control and the slave control uses a sliding mode control (SMC). A torque and force sensorless teleoperation system can be implemented using the suggested bilateral control structure through an experimental evaluation.
参 加 費 無料
事前申込 不要
